
Closed Change Notice

【お知らせ】 日頃より、フォーリーフをご利用いただきまして、誠にありがとうございます。 この度、令和5年4月11日より定休日を変更させていただきます これまでは、毎週火曜日としてまいりましたが、毎週火・水・木曜日を定休日とさせて頂く事となりました。 お客様には大変ご迷惑をおかけいたしますが、何卒ご理解の程、よろしくお願い申し上げます。 スタッフ一同、より一層、サービス向上に努めてまいりますので、これからもフォーリーフをよろしくお願い申し上げます。 代表取締役    塩見康平 スタッフ一同 Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。


Baby Massage Class Life with Babies

If you participate, you will receive cute goods of Four leaf! Baby massage classes will be held in April You are welcome to join us alone or by inviting your friends.? ★Re:4月14日(gold) AM10:30~ ★ Participation fee:1,700(including oil) ★ What to bring:Bath towels, hydration, diapers and other supplies for going out with babies The instructor is Yuka Fujiwara, a former nursery teacher and certified instructor at Omaezaki City's midwifery clinic Ohana Midwifery Hospital? Dr. Fujiwara's Instagram: ~~Effects that can be expected for babies~~ ・Relaxing effect ・Blood circulation promotion ・Supports skin immunity boost ・Supports brain and physical development ~~~~~~~~~~ There is also a storytelling of Professor Fujiwara's picture book Gently massaging your baby's body is a healing time for adults as well. On the day of the event, let's talk about parenting and daily worries to relieve stress. If you would like to participate, or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us on Instagram. Four leaf's Instagram: @LOUR_LEAF_2021 You can also call us! Tel: 0537-28-7405Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.


Event 3/18(soil)19(Day)Hamaoka Nuclear Power Plant Store Opening Information

Hello! It's Four Leaf Announcement of event opening When: March 18(soil)19Day(Day)9 a.m. ~ 4:30 p.m. The very popular "Senbon Matsuri" is available again this time. ◎ Senbon hanging 300 yen per time ◎ Car toys that can be assembled 550 yen tax included In addition, there are also toys that are very popular in our shop! Please come and visit us.LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.


Daiwa Fruit Sandwich sold out immediately Thank you

Hello! It's Four Leaf! Today there was an event to sell Daiwa Super's fruit sandwiches from 11 o'clock. 11Even though the time started, some people came from around 10 o'clock. And it was sold out about 30 minutes after the start of sales ...!! When I talked to Daiwa Super later, he said that the speed at which it sold out was faster than ever before in sales in the Omaezaki City area. I'm sorry for those who lined up but couldn't buy it, or those who came after it was sold out. We would like to ask Daiwa Super to sell fruit sandwiches again, so if you couldn't get a fruit sandwich this time, or if you could get it, please come and visit Four leaf again. Thank you very much to everyone who came to Daiwa Super's fruit sandwich sales event this time, and Daiwa Super.LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.


Daiwa Fruit Sandwich Leaf is coming!

You can buy Daiwa Super fruit sandwiches at Four Leaf! Date: March 15(Water)11:00~13:00 Daiwa Super's kitchen car will come to the Four leaf parking lot Please pay attention to your timeLanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.


February Event Free to participate Yes

Notice of store event in February Both events do not require reservations, so please feel free to join us.LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.


Winter Goods Sweep SALE Half Price

Hello! Baby and Kids shop in Omaezaki Four leaf Up to 50% OFF or more!! February 6(moon)Until the Winter Cleaning SALE is being held In this SALE, if you have a Four leaf stamp card, you will get 10% off the total amount of shopping, including SALE items, fixed-price products, and lucky bags. So half-price products are even more profitable Unprecedented large-scale behavior! !! Don't miss this opportunity!! #エクストララージ #エックスガール #プティマイン #半額SALELanguageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.



Xmas限定イベント 12/24(soil)25(Day)にイベントを開催します!! 大人気の『大当たりアリ!千本つり』に加え、 お菓子がもらえる『もってけうまい棒!わなげゲーム』も企画しております イベント内容 『千本つり』1回300円 『わなげ』1回(5ゲーム)50円 また、LINE友達追加でおもちゃ全品25%OFFフェアが12/25(Day)までとなります クリスマス限定の入荷商品もありますので、ぜひこの機会にFour leafへ遊びに来てくださいLanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.



数量限定!! 〝冬〟と〝春〟のトータルコーディネートができる福袋がついに入荷しました Four leafで取り扱いのある人気ブランド『F.O.KIDS』『SERAPH』の福袋 クリスマスプレゼントや誕生日プレゼントにも選ばれる人気商品です F.O.KIDS 男の子福袋 【サイズ:90~120㎝】¥6,600税込 リバーシブルアウターと、使い勝手の良いトップスとパンツがセットに リュックも付いてとってもお得です SERAPH 女の子福袋 【サイズ:90~130㎝】¥7,700税込 なんとアウターとワンピースが1着ずつ入っています!女の子の大好きなピンクのトップスに、ショートパンツとレギンスでコーディネートの幅が広がりますね 店頭ではクリスマスラッピングもご利用いただけます クリスマスプレゼントにいかがでしょうか? ご質問やお取置き希望の方は お気軽にご連絡ください!0537-28-7405Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。


Baby Massage Class with Daddy

「最近子どもとのスキンシップがなかなかとれない…」 「イベントや教室に参加するきっかけがない…」 そんなパパ達にも、気軽に参加できるイベントをしたいと思い ベビーマッサージ講師の藤原先生と企画しました ママやお兄ちゃん、お姉ちゃんなど付き添いも大歓迎なので ぜひ気軽に参加してください ★場所:Four leaf ★日時:10月23日(Day) AM10:30~ ★ Participation fee:1,600(including oil) ★ What to bring:バスタオル、水分補給、オムツなど赤ちゃんとのお出かけ用品 講師は、元保育士で 御前崎市の助産院 おはな助産院認定講師の藤原ゆかさんです 子育てトークや、育児に関するお悩みを 藤原先生とお話しながら 赤ちゃんのオイルマッサージ講座をします ぜひ楽しい時間にしましょうLanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

Four leaf ロゴ
TEL 0537-28-7405